Downhole Seismic: Cross-Hole Seismic Tomography (CHST) and Surface-To-Borehole Tomography (STBT): High-frequency acoustic pulses are generated at predetermined source locations (S) in the source borehole (SB) or surface. The amplitude and arrival time of direct arrivals (and others) is recorded at predetermined receiver locations in the receiver borehole (RB). The recorded travel time–amplitude data are statistically analysed and used to generate a velocity–attenuation cross-sectional model of the area between the source and receiver boreholes.
Modified from “Introduction to Geotechnical Geophysics – N. Anderson and N. Croxton, Circular – Number E-C130, October 2008”.
For both systems a seismic receiver, which consists of a hydrophones streamer, is lowered inside a water-filled borehole. The seismic source will be lowered in a second borehole for CHST and generated on the surface at specific intervals for STBT. Seismic energy source for CHST can be an air-pressure-gun or down-hole sparker. For STBT, a sledgehammer, WDS system, “Betsy” gun or explosive charges can be used.
Sample of STBT (Ch. -30m to 0m), and STBT and CHST (Ch. 0m to 15m). The investigation delineated top of rock, which correlated very well with boreholes and identified “soft spots” (soft sediments, infilled voids etc.) missed by the boreholes.